Project description
The energie.TRANSFER project for the "Development and implementation of short digital teaching units on the basic concept of energy for middle school" is a cooperation project based on the results of the DFG Priority Programme Competence Development with Prof. Dr. Neumann, IPN Kiel, Prof. Dr. Kerres, University of Duisburg-Essen, and the Schroedel/Westermann Group as cooperation partners from industry. The project is concerned with the development of individual CRU (Curriculum Replacement Units) teaching units for a middle school energy course that can be integrated into the existing teaching programme. The teaching units are to be made available digitally to enable flexible adaptation and configurability of the learning programme. The aim is to support the systematic cumulative development of skills in relation to the basic concept of energy using the digital medium of the tablet. The empirical basis for this is provided by findings on the development of understanding of the energy concept and the results of media education research.
Leibniz Universität Hannover is preparing, coordinating and evaluating the trialling of the CRUs. In this context, student performance and affective characteristics of the learners will be assessed, as well as the teachers' acceptance of working with the digital teaching units.
S. Weßnigk, T. Stürmer-Steinmann