A reinterpretation of obstacles to teaching

authored by
Johanna Ruge, Jana Peters, Reinhard Hochmuth

Reinterpretation describes a process of combining different theories and
integrating findings that have been produced within different research paradigms. The
process is illustrated by the theoretical approaches within which the author team
situates their research: the subject-scientific approach and the Anthropological Theory
of the Didactic (ATD). In taking the subject-scientific approach as a starting point, we
reinterpret findings from an ATD-analysis on the teaching of limits of functions on
school-level. Obstacles due to the specific organisation of the mathematical knowledge
to be taught are examined and related to more general societal conditions. The
reinterpretation leads to further questions and an extended perspective from which
both theoretical approaches can profit.

Institute of the Teaching of Mathematics and Physics
Abteilung Mathematikdidaktik
Conference contribution
Publication date
Publication status
Peer reviewed
Electronic version(s)
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/334646335_Proceedings_of_the_Tenth_Mathematical_Education_and_Society_Conference (Access: Open)

Details in the research portal "Research@Leibniz University"